478 Bass Lake Sideroad W, Oro-Medonte
(705) 487.5723 • info@forksinthetrail.com
Yoga by the Pool at Forks In The Trail Yoga Studio, Horseshoe Valley, Oro Medonte, between Barrie and Orillia.
Forks In The Trail Private Foundation
Charitable Registration # 72120 1879 RR0001
What is The Foundation About?
The Forks in the Trail Private Foundation was established to provide financial support to those Canadian registered charities which the Foundation’s directors actively support personally, either financially or on a volunteer basis.
As a registered charity, a private foundation must be organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes. While the Foundation will consider supporting any charitable activities, it currently focusses on donations to registered charities operating in the following sectors:
The development and growth of strong institutions in the arts, culture and publishing sectors that engage both citizens and the cultural communities they serve;
The promotion or delivery of health and wellness in the general community; and
The preservation or protection of the environment and wildlife.
In accordance with the terms of its constating documents, the Foundation cannot support any organization whose primary purpose is the advancement of religion. The Foundation has also decided that, at this time, it will not support organizations active in education, sports or recreation.
For more information on the Foundation, including policies, a list of directors and financial results, please go the Canada Revenue Agency website at the following link:
Questions about the Foundation, should be sent to Doug Frost at doug@forksinthetrail.com